30 Juli 2011

Bobo and the Beach

Hello Bloggers!
July is an amazing holiday. We are spend our weekend sure. Going to the beach! That's why it's been a very long time since the last time I posted something on this blog hahaha. Anywayy.. 
i'll give you little part of Sundak Beach. Enjoyed guys :)

*no togetherness photos because to keep the way we're moslem :p

He's Bobo (read : my 'kebo' :D). This picture was taken for the first time we're having the beach's sand. At there, we want to built a simple house plan from the sand, playing water, eating the chicken noodle, and anything else.

"Woohoo my eyes! the sunshine is so strong..."

Look at this one, i'm so brave into the sea haha. No mater for what, because the water so quiet in front side :p
And you must try it. So, what about your weekend?

18 komentar:

  1. ayie memang suka lepak pantai..best wow, lepak pantai..hehe

  2. Cucu Umi : haha emang kebetulan lagi edisi pantai :D

    Honeylicious : yeeaaah \(^o^)/

  3. Buleeeeetttt curaaangggg... kok gue gak diajak jalan2 siih.. #ngambeeeeeeeekkk

  4. Nona Enno : aw macacih qaqa :3

    Belo : pan critanye dating, kalu ade elu pan kagak romantis jadinye Betawi :P haha sini aku kasih balon :3

  5. jadi pengen ke pantai juga.. >.<

  6. Ya elaaahh...gpp dah gue bawain sandal lo doank, asal gue diajak ke pantaii...hahahhaa
    ogaaaaaaahhh... klo dikasiih cowok gagah gue mauu #ngareeeeeppp

  7. kok cuman 5 sih fotonya?
    foto berduanya manaa..
    ehmm. #eaaa

  8. Rizki : cekidot dong :D

    Belo : nih skalian baju kotor #lempar xD hahahaha
    iya untungnya aja kagak ada Be, bisa mimisan itu cowok deket kamu hahaha

    Dhila : #jleb #jleb #jleb
    Ini kan karna bukan muhrimnya Dhil :O masi belom lulus sensor deh jadinya #ngelesTingkatPNS :D

  9. iya nih setuja sama dillooo!
    jangan jangan ini foto diambil dari dua tempat yang berbeda. hahahaha

    anw, your holiday was great!
    i didn't take any holiday :( what a pity! huhu

  10. Linda : apaaa? tempat yg bedaaa? kamu dapet pemikiran gitu darimana Lin?? hah?! *jedukin kepala ke tembok*

    hahaha, next time Lin apalgi mau lebaran jd panjang jg kan anak kuliahan liburnya :D

  11. widihh ,,cakep pantai nya neng .. tapi ngomong2 si neng pake' bahasa apa itu yah ,, saya mah nggak ngerti .. hihihi

  12. pantaiii saya suka pantaaai :D

    dimana tuh pantainya :) kayak di bali aje..

  13. Mira : Makasih Mir. Bahasa Sunda itu mah, belok kanan cyin, ada prempatan yeik lurus terus deh :D

    Uchank : di daerah Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta. Namanya pantai Sundak ^^

    Ely : thanks dear :)

  14. waduhhh kayaknya aku pernah liat kkk foto2 di sundak nih, heheheh :D, BOLEH TAU KESANA TGL BRP? :P

  15. pantai mana tu mbak??????????????
